
Narantuya Erkhembaatar Otgonbayar Bataa Erdenebayar Lamjav Narantuya Vandantseren Stephen Karungaru


This study presents a comparative analysis of 5G Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) using an entropy-based weighting method to prioritize critical metrics for 5G deployment on existing 4G LTE networks in Mongolia. The proposed methodology quantifies uncertainty and randomness in system performance, assigning objective weights to each KPI based on their contribution to overall information entropy. Among the eight KPIs analyzed in the study, spectrum efficiency emerged as the most critical, with a weight of 0.209. This was closely followed by area traffic capacity at 0.204 and peak data rate at 0.185. By identifying the most significant KPIs, the study suggests that improvements in these areas will positively influence other performance indicators. These results underscore the importance of optimizing these metrics to enhance network performance and user experience. The findings demonstrate that prioritizing specific KPIs can have varied impacts on 5G deployment outcomes, highlighting the significance of a data-driven approach to decision-making in network development. This research provides a practical framework for evaluating and enhancing 5G KPIs, with implications for future 5G deployments from 4G LTE networks in developing countries.

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5G key performances indicators, entropy weight, correlation coefficient weight, key performance indicators

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How to Cite
Erkhembaatar, N., Bataa, O. ., Lamjav, E. ., Vandantseren, N. ., & Karungaru, S. . (2024). A comparison analysis of 5G key performances based on entropy. ICT Focus, 3(1), 1–13. https://doi.org/10.58873/sict.v3i1.46

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